Away from the shore
the waters are more
the farther i go
the lower the sun
the clouds become
a curtain
the waters are more
the farther i go
the lower the sun
the clouds become
a curtain
my eyes scan
as if
the planet is a grand canvas
a canvas covered all in charcoal
the planet is a grand canvas
a canvas covered all in charcoal
from what
I am made
to see
I sight the
darkened stage
of sea
upon which shapes begin
to grace with dance....
I am made
to see
I sight the
darkened stage
of sea
upon which shapes begin
to grace with dance....
Raising my eyes up i spot the sky is filled with stars!
With much delight, I then decide that they shall set the course..
But of course! .......
don’t forget .
Raising my eyes up i spot the sky is filled with stars!
With much delight, I then decide that they shall set the course..
But of course! .......
distant shores
Where water meets land meets air
Are you? .
Where water meets land meets air
found in the waves
The Land
The Water
The Air
unbound by the waves
The Sky
The Stars
The Waves
the vessel
taken from my vessel
taken from my vessel
by the waves
the present moment is the all encompassing experience of all that is was and ever will be. the present is our experience of both past and future. our experience of past and future is only experienced through the present. the future is experieinced in the present and named the
past. the past is the present experienced in the future. the future is always experienced in the present as an experiential moment of our eternal nowness. the present is all that was and will be in the form of “is”-ness. The nowness we experience has no beginning, no end, and exists in an eternity of present perception. We are all that is now. The eternal nowness of our present moment.
︎Hear I Fall ︎
︎ f a l l i n g a w a k e ︎
︎s e a r c h i n g︎